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Australian government - energy made easy: the power to compare

Useful contacts

Energy retailers

For a list of all the energy retailers that have gas and electricity plans in Energy Made Easy and their contact details, go to our How can I contact an energy retailer? FAQ page.

Energy distributors

For a list of energy distributors, their supply areas and their contact details, go to our Who is my energy distributor? FAQ page.

Energy ombudsmen

ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal 02 6207 1740
Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW 1800 246 545
Office of the Ombudsman NT 1800 806 380
Energy and Water Ombudsman QLD 1800 662 837
Energy and Water Ombudsman SA 1800 665 565
Energy Ombudsman TAS 1800 001 170
Energy and Water Ombudsman VIC 1800 500 509
Energy and Water Ombudsman WA 1800 754 004

Other government price comparison websites

Victorian Energy Compare 13 61 86

Other contacts

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Infocentre 1300 302 502

The ACCC Infocentre is a telephone and email information service for consumers and businesses. It is the initial response centre for all enquiries to the ACCC on competition and consumer issues in Australia. You can also make an online report or enquiry.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 3:45 AM